Serpentines of the Troll Ladder Trollstigen. Evening hike over the Romsdalstrappa to the Rampestreken viewing platform. Disappointment on the Atlantic Ocean Road. Enthusiasm about clipfish.
the next morning a short view into the Geiranger FjordContinue through a wild and beautiful landscape towards Trollstigen.Viewing platforms with the best view of the road Trollstigen (Troll Ladder), which was completed in 1936.If I were a troll, I would have pushed this rock down a long time ago ….
Next overnight stay in Åndalsnes. Here we actually want to do the Romsdalseggen ridge walk the next day, where you first take the bus to the starting point and then walk 10.5 kilometres back to Åndalsnes, 900 metres up and 1,250 down. On the advice of our Airbnb host, however, we set off in the evening for a short hike along the Romsdalstrappa hiking trail, partly built by Sherpas from Nepal, to the Rampestreken viewing platform (4 kilometres, 500 metres in altitude). Norway’s long summer days are glorious!
the platform Rampestreken and its view over Åndalsnes
The next morning at the latest it is unfortunately clear: The weather does not allow us a big hike on this day. Therefore we leave Romsdalseggen unvisited and drive on.
We now drive along the Atlantic Ocean Road, which crosses eight bridges in just eight kilometres. An English newspaper once called this route “the world’s best road trip”. But why is beyond us. We have seen so many beautiful, spectacular things in Norway, but this road is not at the top of our list. Or maybe the weather was just too good, because they say the road is especially dramatic during fall storms.
What we hardly have any photos of ourselves is stockfish. This is fish, usually cod, that is salted and then dried for a long time on wooden racks in the open air. We saw these wooden racks a lot, but at most with fish heads, because the main season for stockfish production is between February and May, when temperatures, wind, sun and rain are ideal.
This fish is then soaked in water for days before being prepared. Honestly, that doesn’t sound delicious, does it?
Anyway, Google reviews led me to the Dødeladen restaurant at the end of the Atlantic Ocean Road in Kristiansund. What can I say? This was definitely one of the tastiest pieces of fish in my life. I then tried stockfish once or twice elsewhere in Norway, but it was nowhere near as tasty as here.